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Novalina is the capital city of Isle d'Akti, located in the foothills of the Eòsalas Mountains, on the continent of Maedris.  


Stretching over several small hills at the base of the Eòsalas Mountains, the city of Novalina is built with private businesses and residences at lower elevations and religious or government-operated facilities at higher elevations. Some of these facilities, such as temples, are open to the public. Others, such as the archives, are closed to anyone who has not earned the right to enter them. At the very center of the city is the Acropolis of the Syndaera, where the nation's leaders hold conference.   The common architectural elements of Novalina are ashlar masonry, hypostyle halls with Ionic columns, large atria, and pebble mosaic floors. Proportion and symmetry are held in high regard among d'Aktian architects. Most buildings are large rectangular structures, with certain layouts reserved by law for temples and other holy sites only.  


Space reserved for map.  



As of 126 LE, Novalina's population is 97,103 people. Roughly 43% of the population are elves, 26% are humans, 17% are viskanya, 6% are lizardfolk, 4% are orcs, and the remaining 4% are people of other ancestries.  

Notable People

General Information

Also called:
The City of Columns
Constructed: 1 LE
Government: Meritocracy
Current Leader: Sovereign Chrysanthos Leventelis
Guard Unit: De Guardia Feniché

Location Information

Plane: The Material Plane
Continent: Maedris
Region: Eòsalas Mountains
Districts: N/A

Societal Information

Population: 97,103 (as of 126 LE)
  • 43% Elf
  • 26% Human
  • 17% Vishkanya
  • 6% Lizardfolk
  • 4% Orcs
  • 4% Other
Allegience: Isle d'Akti

Note: The titles and names of Isle d'Akti are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Greek and Italian words used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by d'Aktians.


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