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Royal Army of Tor-Valice

The Royal Army of Tor-Valice is a temporary, non-standing military force which comes together at the behest of the Grand Tsar whenever there is a threat to the safety and security of Tor-Valice. It is comprised of troops from each of the smaller states within Tor-Valice, who owe allegiance to the Grand Tsar.  


As of 126 LE, the Royal Army of Tor-Valice is lead by Inquisitor Illya Voznyuk, who was appointed to his position by current Grand Tsar Nikolai Wieczorek in 113 LE. Its divisions are rather mixed, due to its nature as a combination of forces from all of the various states within Tor-Valice. There is a terrestrial force, which makes up the bulk of the army, and a navy which is roughly half as large. Among these divisions may or may not be a handful of spellcasters.  


Each of the sovereign states of Tor-Valice has its own laws surrounding military service and, as such, the Royal Army of Tor-Valice's soldiers vary in age, training, and ability.  


Founding of Tor-Valice

When Tor-Valice was founded in 43 LE, Grand Tsar Božidar Wieczorek outlined in the Valician treaty a requirement that all the sovereign states within the confederation would send troops to serve in the Royal Army whenever the Grand Tsar called for them. This order is known as the Declaration of Service.

General Information

Type: Military
Founded: 43 LE
Base: None
Defend the confederation from foreign threats


Total Members: ~36,000 (as of 126 LE)
Notable Members:
  • Inquisitor Illya Voznyuk (Leader)


Allegiances: Allies:

Note: The titles and names of Tor-Valice are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Bulgarian, Polish, Ukranian and other Slavic words used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Valicians.


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