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Tor-Valice, more properly called the Free Lands of Tor-Valice is one of four nations on the continent of Eloqua. It was founded at the beginning of the Age of New Light, after the Psionic Scourge was defeated. Though Tor-Valice has a central government which represents them in matters of international import, it is in truth a loose confederation of city-states, each of which pays greater allegiance to their independent rulers than the Grand Tsar.  


Baleine Bay

Baleine Bay is located in southern Tor-Valice, and is where the nation's prolific whaling industry gets most of its goods.  

Blind Man's Bluffs

Blind Man's Bluffs are a steep stretch of coast on the eastern edge of Eloqua. They overlook monster-infested waters, said to be cursed by Hylkor to bring about the deaths of any foolish mortal who sails into them.  

Chaiverrine Bay

Chaiverrine Bay is one of the two large bays which flank the lands of Tor-Valice. It is is located on the nation's western shore.  

Darkmoon Archipelago

Darkmoon Archipelago is an island chain of the southern coast of Tor-Valice, which has been absorbed into its national borders due to its importance in the whaling industry.  

Havenmyth Wilds

An expanse of relatively flat grasslands which dominate the eastern portion of Eloqua, surrounding Louvain Gorge. The Wilds are populated by the city-states of Tor-Valice.  

Lake of Lost Dreams

The Lake of Lost Dreams is a large inland lake in central Tor-Valice. It is perpetually fog-covered, and travelers are warned against traversing its waves.  

Louvain Gorge

The Louvain Gorge is a canyon on the eastern side of Eloqua, located in the south-center of the Havenmyth Wilds. It is considered a sacred place by several cultures in Tor-Valice.  

Montelaire Abyss

One of the two large bays which flank the lands of Tor-Valice. Montelaire Abyss is located to the northwest, and stands between Tor-Valice and the Kingdom of Coraway.  


The Discordant Rebellions

The Discordant Rebellions were a centuries-long battle between the mortal people of Thesilae and the oppressive psionic scourge which enslaved them during the Age of Eclipse. As the rebellion ended and the final remnants of the scourge were either destroyed or exiled, nations were formed all across the planet, including the various city-states which would eventually join to form Tor-Valice. This marked the start of the modern era: the Age of New Light.  


Bits and bobs, card games, festivals, etc.  


The Grand Tsar

The ruler of Tor-Valice is given the title of Grand Tsar, a reflection of their status as the highest of all rulers in the confederation. The first Grand Tsar, Božidar Wieczorek took the title in 43 LE, and ruled until his death in 87 LE. Currently, Tor-Valice is commanded by the third Grand Tsar, Nikolai Wieczorek. The Grand Tsar oversees distribution of resources, settles disputes between city-states, and represents Tor-Valice in matters of international import.  

Law Enforcement

Each of Tor-Valice's city-states is responsible for maintaining its own laws and law enforcement.  

The Royal Guards of Zidovia

Supported by the Royal Palace of the Grand Tsar, the Royal Guards of Zidovia are charged with keeping the peace in Tor-Valice's capital city, Zidovia. However, they are ordered to protect and serve the Grand Tsar and the royal family above all else.  


Due to its nature as a confederation of city-states, Tor-Valice's military is not a standing organization but a collection of small armies scattered across its lands which can be called to serve the nation at a moment's notice. According to the various treaties which unify the confederation, the Grand Tsar's Declaration of Service must be obeyed without delay. When such an order is given, the Royal Army of Tor-Valice is formed.

General Information

Full Name: The Free Lands of Tor-Valice
Also Known As: Tor-Valice
Type: Confederation
Established: 43 LE
Head of State: Grand Tsar
Current Ruler: Nikolai Wieczorek
Military: Royal Army of Tor-Valice

Location Information

Plane: The Material Plane
Continent: Eloqua
Capital: Zidovia

Societal Information

Demonym: Valician
Population: Est. 900,000 (as of 126 LE)

Note: The titles and names of Tor-Valice are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Bulgarian, Polish, Ukranian and other Slavic words used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Valicians.

Articles under Tor-Valice