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The Syndaera

The Syndaera is the legislative and judicial assembly of Isle d'Akti. It is comprised of fifteen members who earn their title by reaching the final rounds of the Crowningsday Games, and is subservient to the Sovereign.  


There are fifteen members of the Syndaera, called Prytaneis. They recieve their title by proving themselves worthy during the Crowningsday Games, which are held every three years in Novalina. While the victor of the Games is made the ruler of Isle d'Akti, the fifteen members of the Syndaera are those who came in second through sixteenth place among potentially hundreds of competetors.  

Known Members

126 LE



The First Crowningsday

When the Psionic Scourge were defeated at the end of the Discordant Rebellions, the mortals left behind in the lands which now form Isle d'Akti saw it necessary to find some way to determine who among them would prove the best leader. To do so, they established a gauntlet of physical and mental challenges which anyone could compete in. This would become known as the Crowningsday Games. The victor of this first Crowningsday, Sovereign Lysakratis Demiadi, saw how Isle d'Akti could benefit from the talents of her opponents, however, and offered the fifteen who came closest to victory advisory positions under her. This was how the first Syndaera was formed, and it has long since been codified as d'Aktian law.

General Information

Type: Governing Body
Founded: 1 LE
Base: Acropolis of the Syndaera
To create and enforce law in the nation


Total Members: Fifteen
Notable Members: WIP  


Allegiances: Allies:

Note: The titles and names of Isle d'Akti are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Greek and Italian words used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by d'Aktians.


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