Azareth - Class Destroyer

Powerful destroyer as used by the Anagon Technocracy  The Azareth - Class was named after a city on the Anagon homeworld, Urgand. It has been put into service due to its immense speed, and is highly powerfully armed. Several types of radar and backup power source are also fitted. It was highly advanced when it was introduced very recently.   Anagon propaganda about the starship has also taken Arcturus by storm. It is also notable that the depiction of the ship in the posters are much larger than the ship itself. Its armour remains comparatively weak, but it has been strengthened with devices that improve the strength of the strong force against HEGDW ammunition, one of the key ways to hit Anagon starships. It does not have any laser PDC weapons.   However, like all Anagon starships, it cannot take fuel from conventional matter. It relies entirely on QCD matter for fuel due to its size, as hydrogen fusion would not be powerful enough to power the ship. Its small radar signature, fast speed and powerful armament make it a highly effective design against enemy capital ships, and it is also often seen performing raiding roles.
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