
Aetherium crystals are only found on Tebburus. That planet features floating islands that are kept in the sky by energized Aetherium. While it loses its charge over time, natural deposits are energized by the Pyre of Stars and forms the floating islands. When the crystals are extracted, they will lose their energy over time. However, by performing a specific ritual, the Pyre of Stars can detect unenergized deposits and energize them. They have been used to build airships that do not require fuel or complex machinery to float.   While the Hyperion Federation managed to use science to figure out how it works, they cant fabricate it because they dont use Archaeotech.   The crystal lattice is good at containing Kaidatons. They are slowly lost over time. When the Pyre of Stars recharges it, it inserts new Kaidatons into the crystal. The floating property is unique to Tebburus, because the Pyre of Stars emits a very strong Taidakic Field.


Material Characteristics

When unenergized it is a uniform, dark grey that appears not unlike your average crystal. When it is energized, it is emissive and shines light blue. While being energized, it shines red instead and strange patterns can be seen within the crystal which makes it look a bit like a red hologram.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Unenergized Aetherium appears like your average crystal, other than its unusual colour. Energized state heats up slightly, making it a bit warmer to the touch. In the energizing state, it also vibrates, causing it to emit a constant, quiet sound.

Origin & Source

Created by the Pyre of Stars

History & Usage


Back before the Unification War, the Suon race thought of the floating islands as a strange anomaly, a mystery. Using large creatures they tamed, that are capable of flight, they landed on some and found the emissive crystals. They mined the islands for these crystals in hopes of making their own stuff fly. Sometimes, these extraction attempts got too large in scale, causing the island to fall to the ground. No one survived any of these incidents, but they learned their lesson. All attempts to make it make things float failed as the material was still very new to them. They weren't entirely unsuccessful though - it was found that after a while they would slowly turn grey and lose their power, at which point it perfectly resembled deposits of a similar material on the ground.  The next advancement didnt come until after the unification war started. One group in particular became obsessed with the strange material and did everything they could think of in hopes to gain more understanding. They even tried performing rituals - which, surprisingly, worked. As it lit up red, they knew they had to be getting somewhere. They discovered that this process recharges them. As this information spread all over Tebburus, many other groups set out to use it, creating airships and floating platforms in cities. This also led them to believe they had divine powers not known about, and that they could control the universe to their will. After Tarlox returned to the surface, the Pyre of Stars became known and this theory was debunked.

Everyday use

Floating Platforms, Airships

Cultural Significance and Usage

A specific ritual performed with the material nearby will make the Pyre of Stars detect it and energize it. The structure is more likely to detect the material when it is performed by more 'worthy' individuals such as Tarlox or other War-Engineers.
Red (charging), White/Light Blue (energized), Dark Grey (unenergized)
Common State
Unenergized Solid Crystalline
Related Locations


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