
An ethnicity  of Suons from the Arnach Cavern system on Tebburus.   The Arnach Caverns is the only way between Eprus, Ooblar and Tetron on foot. This cave system is the only thing connecting all 3 of those continents, as well as the ocean between them and even Paciri.   In the later stages of the Tebburus Unification War, the caves were heavily sought over. The Arnachans desiring control of their own home, and other nations desiring a critical location to launch attacks on other nations from. In the end, however, it would be the Ooblaran nation that conquered it. Arnachan culture was as a result one of the first full continental scale nation that was conquered by the Ooblar nation. As such, their ideology was changed to a communist one which made it difficult for Tastein to liberate in the close of the Unification War. They were almost as oppressive as the Ooblaran rulers themselves. They also developed their own skin and bioluminescence colours, those being yellow and white respectively.
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