Artanat Secret Service

Government organization of the Grand Artanat Empire.   The Artanat Secret Service is designed to remove any individuals causing corruption (e.g. blackmailing or bribing high level individuals). The media never mentions the Secret Service to the public, making it an almost unknowable force. It could strike anywhere at any time. The Secret Service also spies on its populace, using this data for census and information gathering and to keep track of a large targets list. If everyone all rebelled though, that could bring down the Service and government due to the sheer numbers.   It uses many different technologies to perform these roles, such as large, silenced sniper rifles, extremely expensive Cloaking Devices (only applies to the Imperial Vanguard), satellite tracking and the ability to tap into any computer that exists in Artanat society, including miniscule microphones in many buildings (sometimes even houses), and extremely high precision orbital strikes designed to destroy single buildings (while killing everyone in it) (not usually used because it is not so secret. It is only used when absolutely nesessary).   Families of individuals killed in this way are almost always lied to, the officials saying the cause of death being natural or sometimes done by rogue aliens, traitors or assassins. The secret service also helps the government with counterespionage. They can intercept the locations of almost any device used by anyone as well as information transmitted, except that done via QEC. Much like traitors, spies are shot on sight, but they also recover intelligence from spies.
Secret, Government
Ruling Organization


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