Asalars Scrapping Station

A large station in the Asalars System designed to launch scrapping teams to many locations around the system especially after wars or rebellions. Owned and operated by the Grand Artanat Empire faction.   The scrapping station has been damaged a number of times by Grand Artanat Empire rebels, however they have repaired all the damage each time. The station itself is some 40 km in length with many ports designed to scrap enire ships at once. With a population of almost 2 million, the station has a large pool of workers to draw from without having to transport them between planets or cities after each day. The station is often seen with a number of wreckages near it as scrapping teams obtain wreckages from around the system and bring them here. Sometimes it can be at full capacity, leading the scrapping teams to leave the wreckages they bring in an orbit close to the Asalars Scrapping Station.   The station also requires various materials to perform its scrapping job however. These are delivered via large freighters which also take scrapped materials from the station back to GAE industry. It has a number of large docking points. It can be self-sufficient for about 1 year in case it is blockaded by rebels. The GAE makes sure to keep the stockpile of the station full at all times in case of rebellion - the station can also store raw materials as well, so that scrappers can still have a job during rebellion or blockade attack from other factions.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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