Battle of Sector RI-4283 Military Conflict in THF Universe | World Anvil

Battle of Sector RI-4283

Battle of a large number of fleets over a small cluster of stars.   The Hyperion Federation was on the defensive against a powerful Cypher Dominion assault during the Hyperquasar Annihilator War.   The HF defended the star cluster well, having defended the outskirts strategically and effectively. However, the CD still managed to breach them by use of powerful deep space weapon platforms and massive starships. This attack would take entire weeks to breach despite intense CD methods. But the battle was not over. Billions of lives would be at stake here, and the HF would not be willing to surrender them. They adopted a more mobile doctrine after their defence platforms were destroyed. The battle would be pressed for days. The star cluster took up roughly a large flail shape with a very short 'chain'. The chain being a large line of stars connecting the 2 'bulkheads' together. Eventually, the HF was pushed from the 'bulkhead' that was closer to the CD front.   They staged a counterattack in the WT-742 system, which was part of the chain. Astronomers predicted that this star was nearing the end of its life and it would go supernova within the next few years. This battle would probably be its last. Both sides sent their forces to the system, but were disintegrated as they were arriving. It would not be realized that this star actually underwent supernova just as the counterattack would be made, completely obliterating both the HF and CD forces there. WT-742 would then become a neutron star.   This supernova would not be observed for years due to the finite speed of light. However, it was well known by both sides now that it would be impossible to deploy anything into this system for the rest of the battle, forcing both sides to make much longer jumps to fight. Only heavier ships would be able to jump that far, and tachyon radars relayed information slower. Attacks became ineffective, and the rest of the battle was called a draw for several months as the supernova dimmed.   The battle would resume after a while; the Hyperquasar War still continued. As HF starships could withstand the heat of the newly created and very hot nebula better, they managed to launch attacks first. They knew the CD could not launch ships to WT-742 still, so focused purely on offense. This very agressive doctrine manages to push the CD several systems away all the way back to their bulkhead.
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
HF Phyrric Victory


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