Cypher Hyperquasar Annihilator

Immense superweapon with untold destructive capabilities constructed by the Cypher Dominion. The size and scope of the hyperweapon is so incredible that it dwarfs anything built before it - including Paragon. During the construction of this hyperweapon, every other faction suddenly realised that all their wars became futile compared to the destructive power of this weapon, should it be completed. And thus, the HF, HM and HE all teamed up to take down this beast for once and for all for at least as long as the CD poses a threat to the existence to the universe.   The Cypher Hyperquasar Annihilator, several hundred astronomical units in size, was built around the supermassive black hole in the center of their home galaxy (Vloneest) and is designed to harness its energy to fire a cataclysmic beam of energy. It differs from a Nicoll-Dyson Beam because the energies are several trillion times greater. This allows it to destroy black holes because the energy levels are so high that spacetime is flipped on itself. But the scary thing is when the weapon is used on full power:   The hyperweapon is capable of destroying an entire galaxy.   As the spacetime is flipped in an immense radius around a galaxies supermassive black hole, reversed gravity instantly destroys every star and black hole in a galaxy, effectively taking the entire galaxy with it.   In the end, elite forces from the HF, HE, HM coalition managed to destroy it, but not without cost. Each of those factions had some of their galaxies destroyed. The Hyperquasar Annihilator itself still lies as a wreckage above the Hyperquasar.
Megastructure, Stellar scale
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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