Desolation Crisis

Due to the vary dangerous wildlife of Tebburus, the population of Suons have underwent a period of immense decline. There was one period lasting several thousand years where there were as many as several thousand suons left in existance. Most of them were eaten by megafauna at a rate faster than they could reproduce.   If one titanic lifeform or disease arrived, it would have spelled the end of the suon species for eternity.   There was one group left on the planet at this point. This would be located on southern Ooblar. The rest of the species remained hidden in a large cave that they almost entirely sealed off, only leaving small gaps for their own kind to pass through. It is largely through living beneath other species' notice that the suon race survives.   This fortification allowed their species to reproduce and finally fight back against the extremely dangerous life roaming the planet. They managed this through managing farms within their cave system, located near the surface. They have developed new crossbow designs, eventually Tarlox invents the Heavy Tension Quadrepetal Crossbow. This specific design was invented long after the Desolation Crisis.   One of the main causes of the crisis was the Walapi Worm because they relied on suons soley for their diet. Although they became extinct due to the near-extinction of its sole food source, several became frozen in the Yazdrak continent. A very long time later, a few years before the Tebburus Unification War when the suon race has recovered and were once more worldwide, they unfroze and underwent reproduction, reviving the Walapi species. This would slow down the expansion of suons, but this time they were stronger, they evolved. They could fight back using new crossbows. Although they almost never stood a fighting chance still, it was far better than having no chance at all.   After the crisis, both the Walapi and suon species would expand, the former expanding as a result of the expansion of the latter. The suon death toll to walapi worms increased, but they still managed to reproduce faster. Many were still killed and eaten by other megafauna species other than the worms, and Tebburus remained an extremely dangerous planet. One technology invented during the unification war would change everything. The future of the suon race was far better secured as they have invented sonic cannons, meaning they could engage walapi worms while they were still underground.


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