
Elves are short, highly magical sentient species native to Mauray.

Basic Information


Elves are very short, weak and frail, relying on magic for survival. They are much stronger than their close relatives,  the Eptha however.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves grow to their full size very fast (~10 years). When they reach their full size they become fertile. They remain at this full size for most of their lives.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves tend to live in small houses (their bodies are small) made of magic forms of wood obtained from magically fabricating it. They might also hollow out trees to live in provided such a thing will not kill the tree. In large enough forests, they may build entire villages well suspended off the ground supported by the trees.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have eyes and ears. Elven ears are quite large, giving them the abilty to hear something from long range. They have trouble finding the exact bearing of a sound source, though. Using magic, they can look into the souls of others and determine their general state of mind.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

They usually but not always dress up in green or red clothes along with pointy hats. There are many elves who do not dress in this way.

Common Taboos

Elves dislike distruction of nature and believe that all species should live in harmony with it.


Like most Mauray species, Elves were engineered by the world itself. They were one of the first species that were made. This happened on the Fleloya continent. From there, they slowly populated the continent, moving underground as well. Their first contact with Suons happened underground. An elf exploration group came across a suon hunting group. The suons, not understanding that sentient species could exist other than themselves, tried to hunt the elves. 2 elves were killed in the event, but the rest escaped due to use of magic. The suons, confused about how an animal could use magic, returned to camp with the elf corpses. Another suon group was sent to find out about these strange creatures. They found more elves, but did not fire. Instead, they dropped their weapons, holding up their hands. They wanted to find out more about the elves. Neither side could communicate to the other, but both learned all they could about the other.
Average Height
1.3 m
Geographic Distribution
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