Energy Signature Suppression ESS

Large, advanced technology of the Hyperion Federation that is used to hide or reduce their massive energy signatures that are created by almost all HF technologies.   Energy signature suppressors are a large and highly complex structure that itself requires a lot of energy to operate - which increases substantially when more signatures are placed into its radius, and when those signatures are larger. It becomes nearly impossible to hide signatures that are extremely large, such as weapons fire or use of Superluminal Acceleration Warp Drives.   These come useful when the HF deploys stealth forces to enemy fronts, and is a crucial component of HF Cloaking Devices (else the signature would make such attacks obvious) and for similar uses. There are actually 2 types of suppression devices:   Type I suppression machines work by making use of the entropy-destroying nature of QEN machines. They would project a field resembling a bubble using a component similar to a shield generator. These machines can send similar signatures to the edges of the bubbles, which can cause them to deflect at any desired angle, and perfectly cancel out the original electromagnetic wave as it travels in the opposite direction. This would result in breaking the law of conservation of energy, except the exotic particles it creates this way are attracted to the unit heavily and, using QEN, 'refined' into a solid-like state resembling hardlight which cannot be planck-dismantled because it is not comprised of particles that can annihilate with antimatter.   Type II suppression machines require every object to be suppressed have special modifications but is more efficient and has an unlimited radius. Instead, the emitted radiation is collected by frames that are constructed to the exterior of all suppressed machines and then transmitted directly to a central unit. This collects the massive measure of energy and converts it into neutrino radiation that is difficult to detect (as neutrinos dont interact with matter). Still, this can cost the HF a large amount of energy to perform, especially during the initial modification phase, as the sheer amount of energy needed to construct such miniscule components is massive.


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