
Planet that was terraformed to have a Tebburus-like ecosystem, ideal for a Suon colony. Enion developed into a large colony for the United nations of Tebburus as it was one of few planets that suons could live in easily, along with many unique scenes and tourist attractions.    However, some 13 000 years after it was colonised, an ancient artifact was found.    The scientists did not have a good feeling about this. Carefully they examined it. Before removing even the smallest of parts to reverse engineer it, it was scanned about 10 times. Apparently, it wasnt enough. Asteroids started falling on Enion. Initially it did not cause much damage to the colony, but a previously unknown pathogen was contained in them, that lived in the rocks. It was observed to zombify anything it infected, forming organ-like entities on the outside of the infected creature. After it was found to be able to infect larger creatures such as suons, every known method was emplyed to keep it at bay, to no avail. To the clean up teams, the external organs presented a weak spot, as when all of them were hit the whole thing dies instantly, as whatever is infected is technically already dead. This was the beginning of the Enion-pox.   And so, planet Enion was lost once again, this time for good.   The origins of the artifact remain unknown, as is the civilization that built it.
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