
An ethnicity of Suons from the Eprus continent on Tebburus.   Eprans live in an extremely cold environment. As such, they have learned to keep warm effectively. Initially this meant mainly use of fire, but as technology advanced other means were developed. To help more, the Epran nation genetically modified its people to survive in colder climates. Eventually, everyone would become Ice Suons. This caused rebellions initially, but the nation became stable again after the rebellions.   As such, now every Epran is also an ice suon. They also have a particularly close fascination with the stars. They were the first ethnicity to visit space and observe Tebburus from orbit. This happened during the Tebburus Unification War. Their space technology was always ahead of that of other nations, which eventually became practical with the advent of orbital strike rods and various space capable dropships.   Eprans have a unique body colouration. They have a pale white skin colour and simlarly white bioluminescence colour.   As other suon cultures also like to look at stars, this has given the Eprans a significant attention from other populations. However, they were invaded by Ooblar. Their entire culture was oppressed by the communist Ooblar nation. Eventually, Tastein would liberate them. This would come with controversy, as they were still ruled, just by a different nation. Tastein allowed the Eprans to resume their own unique culture and allowed them to establish their own laws.
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