Flash Trooper

The basic infantry unit of the Hyperion Federation.   Although Flash Troopers are the most commonly used infantry in the HF, they are still very powerful. Even Flash Troopers are highly trained, so not everyone can be one. (Those unsuccessful are sent to starship crew jobs). They are also of course armed with highly advanced technology, often allowing them to fight an enemy even when outnumbered. Specifically, they are almost always equipped with personal shield generators, as well as various advanced enemy identification devices and H-37 Cyber Suits that provide the soldier with very good accuracy. Because of this, they can effectively hold down an area even when outnumbered and, sometimes, even outgunned.   Flash Trooper equipment configuration can vary largely. Many carry photon rifles, others have sonic rifles, some can also swim underwater and carry torpedo launchers - such as Water Suons. Some can be snipers. Their role is typically specified on commanders maps and on their personal file.   Some are also trained to deal with multiple situations. These sometimes carry more than one weapon to make use of each weapons use case. This has proven to be a logistical nightmare for some, but the sheer versatility often places these people as squad or platoon leaders.   Different sub-ranks of Flash Troopers exist:
  • Proton Flash Troopers, the basic unit. Protons can be armed with most weapons. They are often allowed to chose their weapon.
  • Neutron Flash Troopers, who are more skilled and/or stronger. They are also trained harder and for more hours.
  • Atom Flash Troopers, who often make squad or platoon leaders. Atoms must have a high degree of charisma to do their job. They are also very skilled in combat.
  • Molecule Flash Troopers, who are the highest rank of Flash Trooper that is not an officer. They often have large numbers of forces under their control a nd also need to be highly skilled in combat.
  • Engineer Flash Troopers, who do not serve a frontline role. Engineers instead build military installations close to (but not at) the frontline. This involves structures such as landmines, turrets, barbed wire, trenches and bridges. They are also tasked with removing any obstacles in front of a HF advancement route, often similar structures constructed bythe enemy. The exception here is that artilelry counters turrets and other defencive structures.
  • Medic Flash Troopers, who do not serve a frontline role. Medics are instead tasked with recovery of anyone wounded in battle, often saving lives.
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