Water Suon

The Suon Water Gene makes it possible to breathe underwater with gills and lungs in combo. Also gives them webbed fingers to make swimming easier. Also significantly increases the crush depth. This gene was created by Flaybia (underwater nation) to make living underwater easier for its people. Water suons can be visually identified by a more streamline body, their gills as well as the aforementioned webbed fingers.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Water suons can completely collapse their own lungs when deep underwater and rely on gills. Additionally, their bodies are designed to withstand a stronger pressure. This increases the crush depth significantly. Water suons are still reliant no their eyes and ears even deep underwater; Tebburus waters are clear and light can pass through it more easily. The inside of their ears have additional reinforcement and are better designed to hear sounds under the water. The surface of their eyes are thickened to give them more strength which in turn makes them larger. Webbed fingers restricts finger movement a little but gives them greater speed underwater.


Same as regular suons except they are not afraid of drowning (or water in general)
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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