Hyper-Taidakic Anti-ship RKM

An extremly powerful anti ship missile built by the Hyperion Federation that is banned by theHyperion Ethics Committee  A Hyper-Taidakic Anti-Ship RKM (Relativistic Kill Missile) is a large, guided missile that, notably, travels at extremely high speed towards its target. It can travel at upwards of 0.8c, which gives it an immense range and able to hit any target within a solar system with a reasonable timeframe. The massive velocity also gives it much more destructive potential due to relativistic momentum. If more range is required, they can also be fitted with a ring shaped, detachable FTL drive giving it several lightyears of range (40 ly). Although it is only a few metres in size, it is capable of destroying or massively crippling almost any known ship which is why it is banned by the ethics committee.   It works by exploiting a very powerful Taidakic Field that is applied via Taidakon QCD Matter. A large kaidaton container is used to ride that, accelerating the missile to the huge velocity it is known for. From there, a powerful photon drive steers it, but the photon drive is not as powerful as the Taidakic field launcher so it can be evaded with an extremely competent driver and fast starship.


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