Ion Shotgun

Close range gun with a high spread and fire rate ironically used by the Hyperion Federation - just in case someone does get close. The Ion Shotgun fires several beams of ionized particles in a cone shaped spread. It has a surprisingly high fire rate and recoil, making it very inaccurate at long ranges. Not used very often because it is not viable at long range - Federation doctrine relies on long range strikes.   The weapon works by reacting a large number of high energy ions in a reaction chamber, which creates a larger amount of smaller ions that are then energised and fired through a long tube that acts similar to a linac accelerator. Notably, the accelerator uses extremely high voltages which allow the weapon to fire at extremely high energy. After leaving the accelerator, the high energy ions reach another chamber which exploits extremely powerfulGraviton Wave Refraction causing the particles to increase in energy massively, but spread out and form several very powerful beams. Even just one beam is enough to kill most targets if it hits an area that can cause death (torso and head of most races). The weapon was designed by a Rih'kiel War-Engineer with the yellow eye ability (techgne). It was first used in a fight where his enemy managed to board the Rih'kiel's vehicle. The designer then used the weapon to devastating effect on the boarding war-engineer.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Owning Organization


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