
Ethnicity of Suons from the Mauray continent of Izica. Izicans have white skin and blue-white bioluminescence.   Although effective use of ocean travel can reduce this, their continent is hard to reach by land. The only way to the continent is via a rotating gear on a moving track. As the Izicans themselves have control of that track, it makes it near impossible to invade.   They themselves periodically invade the continents of Alix and Ekera which are occupied mainly by other species. They have not managed to conquer large areas of terrain, but they do own the gear as well as both on / off points.   Due to their positioning, the Izican ethnicity never needed to develop exceptional defensive techniques, causing them to persue offense significantly over defence. Of course, when they did need it (they still need to defend their small section of land at the exit point if the large gear) they had to copy other races and have developed a decent set of defensive technologies (e.g. shields). By exploiting the principles of offense over defence, they managed to retain their land effectively despite this weakness. Furthermore they often use tamed flying creatures to assist their ground forces in battle, suchas dragon riders.
Encompassed species


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