
An ethicity of Suons that come from the massive cave system called the Kinilet Hollows, on planet Tebburus.   Kinillians live entirely underground. As such, they have no day/night cycle. Because of this, they have no body clock so they are seen sleeping at seemingly random times. Despite this, their people have been to the surface and saw the night sky. They, like any other suon culture, became fascinated by the stars and constructed various near-surface monuments capturing starlight for cultural purposes such as rituals. In Kinilet culture, it was (long ago) thought that stepping into the moonlight meant that the person could experience the afterlife.   Now, however, science has advanced far ahead of that they had access to when this tradition was established. They still like to step into starlight, but its no longer to have an afterlife. Although there is no enterance to their cave system other than the continent of Aspeuze or, in rare cases, enterances that exist under the ocean, the Kinilet people are quite accepting of other cultures. This significantly delayed the death of the Aspeuze culture at the hands of the Ooblaran invasion as many Aspeuze refugees came to their cavern. Their people became close to those of the surface dwellers because of this. At the hands of the Ooblaran invasion, the Kinillian people became more paranoid about wars happening near their home.   Kinilian suons typically have a purple skin colour and purple bioluminescence colour.
Encompassed species


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