Lambda Raltais A V

Gas giant planet of the Lambda Raltais System, orbiting the G class star.   Lambda Raltais A V itself has little value other than for hydrogen gas collection stations, but the many small worlds that orbit it can vary significantly and add up to a high value. One of these, for example, is quite cold due to being comprised of mostly reflective materials and almost entirely lacks an atmosphere, so heat from the star are almost immediately reflected back into space. Others are the opposite, very hot planets with thick atmospheres that retain a lot of heat. One of these worlds is habitable and has a population in the hundred millions.   During the Suon - Saelian war, this has provided a wide variety of battlefield conditions. The saelians would typically fare better in the cold environments than the hot environments as they have had many years of adaptation on the cold planet of Cela. This has made logistics somewhat complex, as the armed forces of both sides required all available military equipment to perform effectively. The suons would generally attack the planets in higher orbit first, being less vulnerable to saelian blockades after being conquered.   Almost every common resource is found on at least one of the planets in this gas giant system, including radioactive metal, hydrogen fuel, rare metal and food (only usable by the saelians, but the suons had Replicators). This does not include exotic matter such as magnetic monopoles however.It even has a


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