Lambda Raltais System

Star system in the Odyros galaxy.   Like many others, the Lambda Ralatais System has been fought over during the Suon - Saelian war. This binary star system had a large number of planets, which gave the side that owned it a lot of materials to exploit, making the system quite valuable. It would also contain a large number of uninhabitable planets, where a lot of industry was set up.   However, it would be difficult to breach as there were multiple asteroid belts, optimal places to build powerful defences as they could remain hidden more easily. The United Nations of Tebburus lost a lot of casualties this way, but eventually managed to breach the system when they occupied the outer worlds due to dwindling supplies and morale. The 2 stars in the system are called Lambda Raltais A and Lambda Raltais B. Lambda Raltais A is a class G star, and Lambda Raltais B is a white dwarf.   The Raltais B system, although extremely dark, is still valuable as the metallic elements that once formed there remain (apart from any ore that has been mined since then). The extreme cold nature of these worlds make it very safe to mine in any location, the only downside is it being more directly dangerous to organics (due to a lack of light and extreme cold) and lack of radioactive material (it has since almost entirely decayed).
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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