Magic Perpetual Motion Machine

- Does not exist in main timeline - 
A type of power plant that uses Magic to spin a large generator, often producing a lot of power for no cost.     Using Larjarak Crystal technology, it can acquire mana from the ancient machine at the core of Mauray and cast it constantly in a push spell to rotate the generator. The main disadvantage with this type of power generator is that the core will eventually detect that it is being exploited in this way. This often happens after a few hours, after which the core supplies it with a spell that creates a large explosion. This makes it highly unreliable as it may explode at any time between 1-10 hours of operation.   Although they dont exist in the main timeline (as Mauray technology has not developed far enough to build generators), they are known as a good and cheap way to generate power in those timelines where they are seen to exist. Due to this they are surprisingly widespread despite the explosive tendency. It can also be constructed to create little noise.


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