Margian Ethnicity in THF Universe | World Anvil


Ethnicity of Vanadians that originate from the core and mantle of Vanadia. They live in a very large and complex labyrinth deep underground on the Vanadian homeworld. The race that seeded the vanadians built it originally, but using nanobot manipulating archaeotech provided to them also from the race that seeded them, margians managed to expand it.  To prevent the labyrinth from becomming extremely hot in contact with the magma of the mantle, it is insulated with Hardlight, with cooling systems installed. Heating any room is very easy, as a small amount of heat is taken from the mantle.   Food has become expensive in the Margian labyrinth. They have no acess to the surface. (In fact their existance was unkown to all of surface vanadian society until they invented a method to perform deep scans of Vanadia.) Another thing that the vanadian seeder race provided to margians just so they could survive is large farm areas featuring UV lights. The plants take energy from the lights. Due to the sheer size of these rooms, farms have become expensive to build.   Due to the low gravity of the mantle and core, Margians have weaker bones than other vanadians. Margian bodies have adapted to underground conditions better
Encompassed species


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