
Homeworld of the Republic of Vanadia. While the world is hotter than Earth, life has evolved for these conditions and can resist the higher temperature. There are many deserts on the world, though. The world also has an abnormally strong magnetic field. As it is rich in iron and nickel, this can cause some strange natural formations. For example, large toroidal shaped hills that stand vertically, although these formations are quite rare. Although hot, Vanadia is rich in metallic ore, mostly magnetic materials. The Vanadians have made use of this abundance of iron in many constructs such as starships.Due to its intense magnetic field, Vanadia has a denser atmosphere that is likely very difficult for other species to breahe. This has impacted the water preservability of some species    Like the homeworlds of most races, Vanadia has seen many wars in its pre space ages. Due to these, many artifacts can be found within the crust of the planet, many of which are studied for history. Vanadians had their own strange and confusing temples which historians have speculated about for centuries. Much of the worlds life has adapted for the hotter conditions though and relatively low water availability. Many creatures on this planet can reuse water several times and rarely dispose of it.   There is also the Margian underground complex. This is located close to the core of the planet and is where the Margian ethnicity primarily resides. It was discovered well after the vanadians have reached orbit for the first time, and this significant seismic disturbance was found. Hundreds of years later, they obtain teleporter and more accurate scanning technology frorm the HF which allows them to visit and scan this area to a far better edegree than ever before and they found a small civilization there.


Many deserts have small, very long line shaped formations due to the worlds magnetic field. Similar formations sometimes exist in mountain ranges, on a much larger scale.


Almost all organisms on the world can detect magnetic fields. This makes navigation significantly easier. Usually they dont rely completely on these fields to navigate.
Location under
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Atmospheric Frigate by Tankium


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