Microwave Photon SMG

Compact microwave photon cannon the size of an SMG used by the Hyperion Federation. While it has shorter range than most HF weapons, it fires microwaves which ignore most armour and can cook an enemy from the inside. This can often couse the target to explode.   Although the microwaves can be somewhat disrupted by some materials of armour, and sometimes also shields, it can effectively penetrate most armour. The weapon does suffer from the shortcoming that the microwaves quickly diffuse in atmosphere. This means that the weapon has a short range. The weapon also requires a large amount of power to fire, for a weapon of its size. Even HF power supplies can struggle to supply it enough power, which makes it less mobile than one would expect for an SMG.    The weapon often uses a very small antimatter annihilation core to power the weapon. This has made the weapon fairly risky to use, as it may (highly unlikely) result in the antimatter containment breach, which would create a large explosion that can destroy most buildings. This is not comparable to a nuclear weapon, the explosion is much smaller due to the use of an extremely small amount of antimatter.


They were developed when the requirement arised for a small, compact weapon capable of taking on an armoured opponent. Specifically, Drath needed to be able to use it while in flight as a counter to heavy vehicles or armoured lifeforms. A Drath War-Engineer developed it.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Owning Organization


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