Nanobot Shell

The Hyperion Federation, using the same nanobots as those used inReplicators, can destroy or massively modify a planet.   By loading a large number of nanobots into a shell, they can deploy this form of weapon to a planet. They can then build any structures they want on the world, even going as far as the ability to move ground, cause 'natural' disasters such as earthquakes and disassemble enemy military equipment... or the enemies themselves. This is further improved with Quantum Entropy Neutralizer technology. Using QEN, the matter manipulation process becomes much faster and produces less heat, allowing the HF to modify the planet much faster, especially since these nanobots can self-replicate. This form of superweapon is extremely powerful, of course, but is strictly banned by the Hyperion Ethics Committee as it is far too powerful and could result in mass death.   These sorts of shells are often fired from starships in orbit. They can also be delivered via smaller weapons, but this is less viable due to the very fast paced nature of the battlefield. Several other factions also have a similar thing, but HF ones are the most powerful due to QEN technology.
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