OF-03 Medium Tank

Medium tank constructed and used by the Jeskuar nation located on Tebburus during the industrial era of the Unification War.   The OF-03 was designed as one of the first tanks of this nation with a rotating turret in a similar fashion as more current and familiar tanks. Although it's primary weapon only had a caliber of 40mm (comparable to some anti air guns), it's key feature was the first tank design mounted with a functional railgun. Making use of electromagnetism, these weapons would propel the small shell at immense velocities, making it very accurate and powerful even at range. This made it very deadly.   It had excellent firepower, and effective defences. Though it's armour wasn't very well sloped, Jeskuar managed to fit an advanced engine for its time and allow it to achieve speeds comparable to other medium tanks despite being clad with thick armour. (60mm max at the turret front).   In practice, it was soon found to have a number of reliability issues, such as the rails needing replacing when it fires under heat in some environmental conditions, and the transmission breaking. These were corrected in later versions (called the OF-03 VA through VF). Those versions would see more success.   No tank is invincible. Other nations have developed their own tanks, often on par with this design, and able to counter it in some conditions. For example, it was vulnerable to flanking attacks and weapons designed to penetrate poorly sloped armour.   A number of these still exist, mostly in various museums for display.
Owning Organization


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