Oragkat SPG

The largest SPG in service at the time with the Jeskuar nation of Tebburus before the United Nations of Tebburus formed.   This is a late information era design. The Oragkats main feature is it's 210mm main weapon capable of firing large shells to a range of 36 km with conventional rounds or 40 km with rocket assisted shells. Furthermore, this weapon was highly accurate but required about 2 minutes to prepare before it can fire.   Such a weapon was so large and powerful that it featured an alarm that sounds for about 5s before firing. This was to prepare any crew members, soldiers or other personnel nearby for the shockwave and make it far less likely to be injured by the blast and any debris that is sent into the air from recoil.   It can only carry 3 shells. It is intended to be supplied by nearby logistics vehicles (they were not designed to deploy near the front). This very rarely proved to be an issue. It is loaded and resupplied via a specially designed, small crane. Suons could not load it quickly because they are physically weak.   It has seen a lot of action, taking part in a number of offensive campaigns, but one of its first wars was against the mainframe (not to be confused with the HEX Mainframe). It's sheer precision and power made it effective against larger structures and units, but Jeskuar announced the requirement for a kind of smart ammunition that homes in on a target, probably via laser designator. When introduced, this proved to be highly effective as well. Jeskuar also developed an EMP based shell.
Owning Organization


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