Personal Shield

Small, highly powerful shield projector used by almost all infantry units of the Hyperion Federation.   Personal Shields are capable of protecting one from normally devastating gunfire from an enemy. It does this by projecting a layer of superheated plasma using precision - manipulated magnetic fields. This can protect the user from some kinds of rounds but some weapons have been designed to penetrate through plasma barrier shields, so for redundancy there is normally a secondary Hardlight layer outside this. Both layers are extremely strong; each are capable of blocking an 120mm APFSDS shell of real life. While the more current firearms of 44 000 are far more powerful, they are all capable of damaging the shield significantly. This feat puts the sheer power of modern firearms into perspective. As such, those using these shields must take this into account, often remaining hidden from the enemy.   Shield generators such as this are compact enough to be worn on the back or integrated into a piece of power armour (which is used by almost all militaries of intergalactic nations in the galaxy cluster). HF ones are powered primarily by antimatter, which gives them access to a massive amount of power and energy. Personal shields also often have a much thinner, tertiary layer. This is present mainly to hold an atmosphere inside the suit. This atmosphere is specific to the species using the power armour. This layer does not block projectiles at all, but projectiles also dont cause it to be drained. This is similar but unrelated to the Xalarin Atmospheric Shields of the Xalarin Council. Despite these shield generators being highly advanced and complex, and requiring a lot of energy, the HF military can still afford to equip so many of their soldiers with them because of the existence of Replicators and the (relatively) small population of the federation.
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Owning Organization


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Jul 11, 2024 14:50 by Marc Zipper

Cool cool still I really love how you explain that a dimer later used to keep at atmosphere for each type of species so how technology can be used in other words awesome idea

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Jul 12, 2024 07:21

Thank you! Not sure what a dimer is, but I normally do my best to explain stuff like that. Im surprised you have stumbled across this of all articles too, lol, but glad you enjoy it

Creator of the THF Universe
Jul 12, 2024 09:59 by Marc Zipper

Dimer A typo it was supposed to be thinner.

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin