Prakval Primitive Tank

A form of tank design used by the Suon culture on Agruth, Mauray  The vehicle is designed to dissipate heat from the interior, as it is used in hotter climates. It is propelled through sheer man power, so it has a crew of about 20. The main armament is a large Heavy Tension Quadrepetal Ballista, which can fire huge bolts at high velocity with surprisingly high accuracy. Due to the sheer armour of the vehicle, it is a powerful enemy to face on the battlefield, especially with its secondary armament of a Lightweight Bolt Crossbow which has a high fire rate. It is armoured with several layers of wood, which means it is very heavy and slow. More modern powerplants could allow it to achieve much higher speeds, but the actual vehicle is difficult to field and is nearly impossible to use on steepening terrain without external assistance. Just in case, though, it also comes with a lever the commander can pull at any time to effectively act as a break and keep the tank in place regardless of external assistance.   It is also not entirely invincible. Similarly large crossbows can penetrate it, as can some fire based weapons and Magic. The wood is usually well treated which can improve hardness and make it less flammable though. It also has weak points, being made of very low tech materials. It is mostly used in the large, open deserts where it is found to perform better due to a lack of cover. Its tracks are designed to put its weight over a large area, which surprisingly makes it possible to deploy in sufficiently empty deserts with no hills. This way, it is difficult for an enemy to close their distance and cast spells at it without being hit by the secondary weapon.


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