
Small buglike creature native to Tebburus.   The pralkar rely primarily on blood of much larger species as it's food source. This can cause annoyance or in some cases disease in species such as Suons. They feature a large straw-like appendage which can penetrate skin and release a numbing compound allowing them to be undetected in most cases.    After gaining enough blood from the host creature, they will expand significantly, retract the straw and fall off. To survive the impact, they evolved to be comprised partly of a gel-like material and use their hairlike structures to slow the fall slightly and provide further cushioning as it hits the ground.   They use various trees as a habitat. By hiding in gaps in the bark, they can hide from almost all predators with ease so some much larger creatures (e.g. Suons) might avoid some of these trees. They also reproduce and lay eggs in these gaps for a similar reason.   After being laid, an egg would hatch after about 1 month and give birth to about 5-8 young pralkar. It would then usually take about 2 years to develop to full size at which point they would need to find a mate. They have a lifespan of 3 years.
Average Length
5 mm


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