Proton06 Character in THF Universe | World Anvil


Leader of the Yunkad Coalition, the star nation of the Hyperion Federation representing the Yunkad species.
As the Yunkad Coalition is dictatorial, Proton06 had much difficulty becomming the dictator. Killing other people is inefficient, so despite Proton06 being the designated sucessor to the throne, he could not kill the previous leader.    In the end, it would not be Proton06 that would cause him to rise to the throne. His father would be assassinated by an extremely costly event from other star nations. A highly powerful bomb was planted in an area Proton06's father was predicted to end up.   Fortumately, Proton06's father taught him much about running an efficient government so that when he dies, little time is wasted with inexperienced leaders.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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