Yunkad Coalition Organization in THF Universe | World Anvil

Yunkad Coalition

The Star Nation of the Hyperion Federation representing the Yunkad species.   Before making contact with the HF, any galactic wars the yunkad participated in saw the yunkad at significant advantage. The people have weapons built into their bodies, their brains had mechanical calculators built in, they prize efficiency. As such, they fought extremely effectively, being ruthless and brutal. Also, as yunkad technically vary In each, the body armament and shields, ect. vary. Commanders take this into account.   Although their weapon technology eventually exceeded that of their own body cannons, this actually took a very long time and did not happen until after space travel became easy. These weapons thet were built, although outlawed for most, some individuals needed them such as the military and police.   The coalition is far from absolutely perfect however, because everyone gets powerful guns, this makes terrorism much easier. As such, the coalition needed to recruit a compartiively large number of security forces. because they are multi species, their culture would be impacted by this factor.   They only celebrate 1 holiday because of their efficiency obsession. This holiday would be for celebrating everything they have done as a species. This is currently celebrqted on the day that space travel became easy, but the day changes about once every 200 years on average. This is to explore the other important moments of yunkad civilization.
Geopolitical, Country
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