Psi Nalut V Mine

A large mine built on the shellworld Psi Nalut V, which is owned by the Hyperion Federation.   The Psi Nalut V mine is one of the largest magnetic monopole mines on this world. It extracts a large amount of very valuable magnetic monopoles, but might be difficult for invaders to reach due to the shell. The mine can also extract other materials too such as various metal ores. The mine consists primarily of a single, large plasma drill which bores into the ground. All matter extracted this way is lifted into the plasma drill itself and converted into matter plasma. This drill is specially designed to seperate conventional matter plasma and monopoles making this mine quite valuable to the HF. There has only been a single case of death directly caused by the mine. One human fell into the hole bored by the drill. During the fall, they were themselves bored and broken down into constituent atoms and turned into matter plasma. Since that event, the HF doesnt allow anyone near the bored hole and have reinforced the walls to make it virtually imposible to bypass it.Some of the matter that it mines is transported to Planck-Dismantlement Beams to keep itself and the entire planet powered. Magnetic monopoles and spare matter plasma is most often teleported to orbit.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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