Qaknerat of Tebburus

A Titanic Lifeform that rsides on Tebburus.   Qaknerat is a very large creature comprised of many bacterial cells called Qakn. As Qakn reproduce, their offspring always combine into this singular mass, Qaknerat. Any Qakn that fall off or are split off from the larger body will die. Because of this, there is only a singular Qaknerat present on Tebbrus.   Qaknerat is a very large worm, several kilometers in length. Due to its large size, it can eat almost all lifeforms including most megafauna. Its presence is much more well known in the underground cultures of Tebburus as Qaknerat rarely shows itself on the surface. This lifeform seeks the protection from underground rock. However, it has been known to destroy some Suon towns or even cause cave ins sometimes despite its best efforts to avoid cave ins. This makes it harder for its food sources to survive.   Unlike most other Titanic Lifeforms, few attempts have been made to kill Qaknerat. This is because it is very difficult to reach in the first place, let alone kill. The lifeform has also been known to interfere in several wars. From some battles, an entire side was eaten. In others, the whole battlefield was eaten. Regardless, this results in a lot of cultural fear around this creature. Its arrival can be anticipated when miniature earthquakes start to happen in an area.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Echolocation. It sends out seismic signals that bounce off caves and allows the creature to navigate cave systems. It can also detect extremely small vibrations in the ground, allowing it to accurately locate food.
Geographic Distribution


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