
Highly dangerous disease that effects many carbon based lifeforms from the Leosus Ring World.   Rene, able to infect humans, Aquris, Togroid, Gok'mar and more, is known to cause anyone infected to slowly decay as it liquifies their body for resources to reproduce. Although there are ways to combat it, typically some form of antibiotic, it is also known to attack in waves. Between waves, it is almost impossible to trace, even for the very advanced technology of the Hyperion Federation, and the immense bioengineering skills of theSaelians. (thankfully it will never infect saelians because they are a silicon based lifeform). As such, the ring world continues to get rene crises every few years, and rarely, it is transmitted to other planets as well. It remains hidden so well, in fact, that some have theorized that it could be a biological weapon deployed from some sinister force - possibly (but very unlikely) the Xadia Ancients - they are yet to discover. Efforts are ongoing to trace the origin of Rene.   Thankfully it is not adapted to life outside of the Leosus Ring World specifically and cannot survive between waves, even on similar-seeming ring worlds.The HF does know, however, that it is transmitted via the air and can survive on most surfaces for prolonged periods. It is generally recommended for anyone to stay at least 2 m apart from anyone else and to often clean surfaces during times of Rene crises. Adopting these strategies can help significantly, while aquris and togroid can get away from it relatively easily by going underwater or underground respectively (the latter cant breathe underground however). The earliest symptoms include an uneasy feeling in the lungs or the skin, which slowly worsens into difficulty breathing until the effected person suffocates.


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