Seediron Breeder

large creature making use of Aetherium to float. It constantly grows many larvae of its species inside its body, even growing multiple at the same time. When these are grown, the breeder spits it out. Most of the larvae die, but rarely, some might grow into their fully adult form, another breeder. The larvae attack almost any animal, or even Suons, for food in attempts to grow larger.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

A larva will grow to about 30 cm length while still inside a breeder. It will take about 20 Tebburus days to grow to this length, at which point it is sent to the mouth to be spat out. It then must grow to many times its original size to reach the size of a breeder. During this period its diet will change significantly due to it getting so much bigger. This typically takes around 200 Tebburus years (about 20 Earth years) to reach the required size of 22 m. Next it must find a large despoit of aetherium. It then grows a cocoon around itself and the aetherium, undergoing metamorphosis. After that a new breeder will hatch from it, aetherium incorporated into its body, alowing it to float.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Larvae eat just about anything mobile. It can dig deep into creatures larger than itself, eating it from the inside much like a parasite. It typically doesn't do this, but can. Larvae also gather food for its mother. The breeders are large and slow; almost all of its internal volume is taken up by breeding organs and essential organs.
Average Length
22 m


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