Selectron Turret

A type of automated sentry turret used by the Hyperion Federation.   The Selectron uses a highly advanced IFF system to identify HF military personnel and even civilians from enemies. It quickly scans all nearby heat signatures for IFF signals, and if one isnt detected, it scans the heat source so closely that it obtains the DNA reading of the person and compares it to what is recorded in the Grand Archive. If there is no correlation, it is marked as a target.   The turret is armed with a highly powerful hardlight heavy machine gun. This can fire a very large amount of rounds in a very short time, potentially covering an entire area with high velocity hardlight bolts. Despite this, though, it has a long range and can easily suppress an entire area of enemy infantry for a long time. Although it also comes with a relatively strong energy shield, it has no answer to heavier targets such as tanks. A Selectron is almost entirely ineffective against even low tech tanks unless it hits a very thin weak spot such as a periscope or camera.   It can, however, damage the shield of such armoured vehicles. It is not designed to do this and prefers infantry as a target. Due to this weakness, it can be destroyed if it is not supported, but sometimes they are deployed simply to buy time for retreat or to flank. They can be constructed by EngineerFlash Troopers using multitools, as long as they have a matter plasma supply.
Owning Organization


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