
The greatest discoveries in history are often made by accident.   If T.S. Discovery wasnt hit by the Rikavi railgun in the Rikavi pocket dimension, if the part that fell of the bridge did not hit the button controlling the gravity wave detector, if an extremely massive anomaly wasnt detected, the Hyperion Federation may have never found the single most massive object in the Universe; including the pocket dimension itself. Fortunately, T.S. Discovery returned to base; with major damage however. Immediately after encountering said anomaly, this massive spike in the gravitational field, the size of a black hole, seemingly there for no reason, attracted the attention of the Hyperion Science Association. Regardless, the gravitational wave detector was broken in this incident. It did not predict such an immense warp in space. Although overengineered to detect large warps, the detector still snapped like a twig. So they tried larger detectors, and those too broke.   The HF is yet to find an upper limit to the posible size of the anomaly.   At this point, it was known to be larger than any known supermassive black hole. Unfortunately, to reach the anomaly, the HF must fight through a powerful fortress of Rikavi origin. The purpose of this fortress suddenly became clear; to protect this anomaly. And thus, the HF military went to war once again.   During this battle, Tarlox participated along with Darokbranor and Particle14. These were some of the best miiltary commanders in the history of the Federation, and the fact that all 3 got involved in a single battle was a sight to behold indeed. This moment would hold in history.   They all piloted one of the most powerful starships the HF has to offer; T.S. Hyperion. A 14 km behemoth of firepower and powerful fighter catapults.   First, the hyperionites made use of their highly advanced holographic projectors to fool enemy automated defences into shooting targets that did not exist. They exploited this advantageous moment with precision strike artillery, such as Trebuchet from orbit. They destroyed several turrets, though this caused the fortress to respond with mobile units and a counterattack. Faced with a technologically and numerically superior enemy, the HF quickly disengaged. Both sides suffered minimal casulties. The HF tried firing tachyon cannons, but the fortress was found to have tachyon destabilisation matrices. These rendered the tachyon cannons far less powerful (though still effective). The HF found itself under fire by the fortresses own counter battery and anti orbital fire. They responded with subterrenes and destroyed many anti orbital weapons, with starships firing at artillery batteries. This was surprisngly effective as the fortress was almost entirely stripped of its artillery and anti orbital fire weapons. It seems the Rikavi engineers did not expect a subterrene assault.The HF then opened up artillery fire once again, destroying a large number of turrets. Another counterattack ensued which was held off with orbital fire. The fortress was defeated.   This left the artifact inside a temple-like structure undefended. How would such a massive entity be held in such a modest temple? Tarlox went inside. To his surprise, he found an empty room. A room entirely devoid of any black hole. Completely emty, other than a small object being held in a stasis field. Tarlox went closer to the object to find a Suppressor Assault Rifle. How did a Suppressor end up here despite this place never being seen before by any hyperionite?   Tarlox stepped into the stasis field to recover it.   Suddenly, he got visions of another universe. He saw universes go through a reverse big bang, collapsing back into a singularity. Several of these singularities were placed in this suppressor. He then saw an unimaginably large number of these weapons, all placed perfectly and floating in a grid. This went as far as the eye could see. He then saw starship battles. Each use of any weapon would create an extremely powerful beam which would effortlessly tear any known object apart. Trillions were killed with every blast. One of these wepaons would be far more energetic than the entire HF would have access to, if he could find out more about this, it would certainly change the course of history forever... The visions continued. He saw a war that raged on for millions of years, spanning an immense number of galaxies, quintillions of galaxies at least. The sheer scale of these battles was much larger than anything he ever imagined. What could all this mean? Was there truly a force this powerful lurking in the shadows? Do they intend to threaten the HF?   If they did, there would be nothing even he could do to save the HF.   The visions end. Shocked, Tarlox walks out of the field. While his memory was still fresh, he uses a mind reader on himself and uploads the visions to the Grand Archive.       OP:X: Member


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