Suppressor Assault Rifle

A weapon of the Hyperion Federation that fires searing, high velocity bolts of solidified Hardlight. Suppressors are the primary infantry armament of the Federation because they have a very high fire rate, efficiency, accuracy and reliability. The bolts also explode on contact and injure anyone within about a metre.   The bolts emitted by the weapon are actually hollow - allowing the weapon to fill them with various materials to achieve different roles. Typically, a high power explosive compound such as superheated plasma or quark-gluon plasma is used. There are also neutron QCD matter warheads which give them a massive armour penetration value despite their small size, but this requires a lot of energy to fire at high velocity. These can be filled with antimatter, but that is one of the worst technologies in terms of ethics that the HF can use, according to the Hyperion Ethics Committee. Even miniaturized Negative Entropy warheads can be used, but that is also unethical.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The hardlight, which is of the solid type, is created within a part of the weapon that actually floats via electromagnets. This significantly redces the recoil as the floating mount significantly increases the time over which the recoil happens.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
900 mm long


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