Sound Wave Neutralizer SWN

A highly unethical military technology developed by the Hyperion Federation.   The Sound Wave Neutralizer can be deployed near any strategic position. Like its name suggests, it cancels out all sound waves near the location of deployment which causes everyone in the area to be effected by sensory deprivation. This can cause extreme ringing in the ears and eventually cause them to lose balance due to lack of reverberation. This obviously also has an immense impact on morale and make it nearly impossible to fight.   It has the fairly significant downsides of being very strictly banned by the Hyperion Ethics Committee and that it does not distinguish friend from foe - so HF solders that enter the field will also suffer from sensory deprivation if they are unable to escape in about 20-30 minutes.   It has never been used outside of Virtual Universe, but it would be deployed along with snipers who will pick off targets in the area. The field can also sometimes become an exclusion zone which forces enemies to stay away from the area. The HF itself is able to shut it down however.   They are deployed by firing very large shells about 1 metre in diameter which contains the machine, or by using a Replicator / multitool to materialize one.


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