Sovereign Light - Class Advanced Cruiser

Incredibly powerful cruiser of the Hyperion Federation. The Sovereign Light class operates on a much higher energy level than other ships made with λ High-Energy Technology, and requires that level of technology at minimum to work. It has a special module slot allowing it to become equipped with auxiliary generators, cloaking devices or Subspatial Starship technology. Extremely fast and agile, while still maintaining a strong shield and armament, they have become a symbol of the Federation and the ingenuity of its armed forces. They are very rarely seen however due to its running and production costs. They need a lot of energy to operate, but the real expense is the fact that it uses precursor archaeotech in its construction. While it makes use of several extremely advanced perpetual motion machines, the HF still barely understands that technology. Although they can only extract a tiny fraction of its true potential, it still easily exceeds antimatter annihilation cores.
Owning Organization
3356 m


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