λ High-Energy Technology Technology / Science in THF Universe | World Anvil

λ High-Energy Technology

Hyperion technology is capable of generating a huge amount of energy, but also consumes a lot. As a result, many technologies had to be developed capable of running off this huge amount of power. Any copper conductors would burn up near immediately, which is why they made widespread use of superconducting materials, which have no electrical resistance at all.   The energy levels are advantageous as it allows high power drive systems, weapons and shield generators. Civilian starships are often powered by high power fusion reactors but military ships typically use antimatter as a power source.   All ships must be fitted with Zero-Point energy 'reactors', which work by taking energy from the quantum foam. These serve mainly as a backup power source, and should not be expected to power a lot more than essential systems, but can do so indefinitely.   The HF primarily uses a drive system known as Photon Thrusters. These work by firing large amounts of photons backwards. Although photons have no mass, this still propels the ship forwards because photons have momentum. This is a highly efficient form of propulsion as each photon has a much smaller energy requirement than any particle with mass.   However, the huge energy levels has disadvantages. Notably, it is not as safe. Also the huge subspace energy emission can be easily detected from long range, making a ship easy to identify.

Related Technologies

    The HF has many technologies that fit under the category of High-Energy Technology. This includes some extremely advanced forms of Graviton Wave Refraction,   Replicators (which require high energies to function due to the near-violation of the uncertainty principle),   Zero - Point Energy, which are capable of producing a small amount of energy with no fuel requirement and in all situations by syphoning energy from the quantum foam,   Photon Thrusters, the primary type of starship propulsion of the HF. They fire an extremely large amount of photons towards the rear. This is a very efficient method pf producing a very large force.   Antimatter Annhilation Cores, which are the primary method of energy production within a HF starship. They annihilate matter-antimatter particle pairs in a powerful chamber, the resulting created particles being used for energy. These use multiple methods of keeping the extremely powerful energies inside the annihilation core - the magnetic field which suspends the antimatter away from the container walls, the Hardlight container walls (antimatter does not annihilate with hardlight) and finally, a device similar to a Teleporter is used to teleport antimatter out of the chamber in case these both fail.   Matter Manipulators,   Quantum Entropy Neutralizers,


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