
Large, eagle - like, carnivorous birds native to Tebburus. Their mouths have evolved the ability to fire streams of photons not unlike a laser cannon. They can use this to injure prey, making it harder for them to run away. The accuracy of this attack drops off significantly with range.   Sparroths are large enough to threaten Suons. Even in their very early history, suons developed incredible crossbow-like weapons, accurate enough and with a high enough velocity to hit a Sparroth mid - flight.   They have become a symbol for power in some suon cultures due to their fast and aggressive nature.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Sparroths have a male and female gender. They can propose to one another by giving the other meat, usually consisting of a large, whole, creature.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Very keen eyes. Their field of vision isnt very large, but they can see accurately at long distances.
Geographic Distribution


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