
Leader of the Phelke Commonwealth.   Spryth is a Male Phelke. Born during the hyperquasar annihilator war, with CD forces comming ever closer, made his parents worry about the state of their child. As a baby, he witnessed 2 different soldiers get shot. Today, he is still effected by this trauma despite significant therapy.    Spryth was educated, like almost all people of the HF. Although his education required special treatment due to trauma, it ultimately went well.   Spryth was initially a scientist wanting to become a Pioneer. However as it became apparent that he very deeply wanted to get revenge on the CD, Spryth joined the military. Although he was initially an infantryman, he risen up the ranks slowly eventually becomming a company leader. He remained in this position for several years before moving to a career of politics.    Spryth brought his firsthand war experience to his new job, becomming a bodyguard for one of the politicians and observing how the politician does his job, asking questions in order to learn the job. It took Spryth 7 years to learn the job and become the leader himself.
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