
Homeworld of the Phelke Commonwealth. Zanrilles is actually a moon of Cyora, a gas giant. Located on the world is a precursor monolith that allows people to teleport between other monoliths on the various moons of Cyora. It is theorized that this is what seeded the Phelke race.   Zanrilles has few artifacts apart from the monoliths. These monoliths might have engineered the smaller forms of life as well - such as tiny algae, which soon underwent reproduction to cover the planet. From there, predators evolved. Although the planet was subject to significant meteor bombardment due to the asteroids orbiting Cyora, life still survived on the world. This is because the ground is comprised of a strange rock that does not form dust so easily, instead fragmenting. This meant that little dust was thrown into the atmosphere even when large asteroids collided with the world. Zanrilles also has a lot of large oceans. About half of the world was covered in ocean, and the other half land. This ended up forming 1 very large supercontinent, which has then split off into several smaller continents that continually collide with each other. The worlds tides are dramatically influenced by Cyora. This led to entire areas of land being subject to periodic floods, often daily, as well as a high geological activity. This causes volcanoes to form, tsunamis, ect.
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Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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