Taidakic Field Deployment Railgun

A railgun-like weapon developed by the Hyperion Federation to reach the core of a planet it is fired at and then project a very powerful Taidakic Field around the planet.   The Deployment Railgun fires a solid, extremely long, rod shaped shell at an extremely high velocity. The shell almost harmlessly penetrates through the planet to the core with sheer kinetic energy. From there, it activates a Taidakon QCD Matter payload using an antimatter annihlation core to provide it with a very large quantity of energy. Although refuelling it would normally be impossible, the HF uses Teleporters to provide the shell with antimatter.   Weapons such as these are powerful enough to create a noticeable Taidakic field. The HF can fly airships on worlds with such a field, and Air Suons become capable of flight. The field may also have other uses.


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